Episode 3: Dance in the Potato Chip Aisle

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Not Immortal
Not Immortal
Episode 3: Dance in the Potato Chip Aisle

Thanks to my awesome wife, Alexis Gerard, for a great conversation!

“Take more chances.

Absolutely. Just try, and if you fail, so what? You can try again or do something else, but don’t do cookie cutter stuff unless of course that’s where your heart is.

If you want to get out there and make movies, go to film school and do it.

If you want to be a performer, put yourself out there and do it.

Don’t think, “Oh, I’m never going to be successful or I’m not good enough or smart enough for that.”

Just try, just get out there and try it.”

I referenced an article on Quartz about Silicon Valley trying to cheat death.  Choice quote:

In 2005, Kurzweil published his seminal book, The Singularity Is Near. It predicted that advancements in technology would end with the radical transformation of humankind into superintelligent, part-technological—effectively immortal—beings. This event, known as the singularity, took a frenzied hold in the secular bubble of Silicon Valley, serving as a sort of proxy for religious faith; the Verge has sarcastically referred to it as “the rapture of the nerds.”

Also, my favorite Black Mirror episode, San Junipero.  Highly recommend!


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